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Heavensent Bulldog Rescue Logo Adopt a Bulldog in NJ, PA, DE, MD

HeavenSent Photo Album

This album contains a miscellaneous assortment of photographs from our annual Mid-Atlantic Bullyfest celebrations to various photos of our Bulldog friends and family. The album is several pages, so be sure to turn the pages via the buttons at the bottom.
If you would like to see pictures of our success stories, you can do so at our Happy Tails Galley! Enjoy!

The photo album is under construction! I am working on a new gallery format that is easier to navigate. If your photo has
not been added yet, I apologize. It will be added as soon as I'm finished the new layout.

Thank you! Aprilrobin (webmaster)

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Click here if you already have Flash Player installed.

© Copyright 2006 - 2010, HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue. All Rights Reserved.
Permission must be granted for publication in whole or part. | Read Legal.
Our website design and management are donations from April Robin Designs.